
Owner RiftLand
Status online
IP mc.riftland.com
Website https://riftland.com
Players 3/50
Version 1.20.1
Rank 678
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 5 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types SurvivalEconomyPvESMPSemi Vanilla

We have a Discord server at: https://discord.gg/riftland
Server IP: mc.riftland.com

About this server:
We have a custom resource pack for furnitures, decorations, and a lot more! We recently added this and are continuously expanding with things every day!
You can have tons of fun exploring, building, and surviving in a world with no limits. Our friendly community is waiting for you, where you can buy and sell items, take part in events, earn free crate keys, and so much more!

We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time, so our server is designed for players of all ages. Join us and let's have some fun building, exploring, and making friends!

Upgrade your perks with in-game money to unlock more homes, and other various upgrades!

*All crate keys are only obtainable by playing!
*Our VIP rank is only for cosmetics!

Join at: mc.riftland.com


Friendly and nice people, greeted me with a warm welcome.




thought it wasnt p2w but it really isnt. thanks for a good server



Insanely good quality server :3