
Owner Claim Server
Status offline
IP play.6b6t.org
Website 6b6t.org
Players 0/0
Version 41.19.2
Rank 959
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types Cross-PlayHardcorePvEPvPRaidingSurvival

6b6t is the newest and the biggest 2b2t alternative. There are 1000 player slots and no queue. Hacking, cheating, grefing and everything is allowed! 6b6t never had any rules and bans, that's why it's known by many as a great anarchy server. The community is active and because of that 6b6t is the second largest anarchy server. Unlike 2b2t which is still on 1.12.2, 6b6t is on 1.19.2 but it supports all minecraft 1.19 versions. The IP is play.6b6t.org!